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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: green sea turtle


I. N

1. animal,food,hunting,reptile green sea turtle , [KRI] tortl , [RCK] toortl
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kauling uuli mlingka, kauling taaki kwsi. Waisku u anmalingi.
    When people kill green turtle, everybody eats it. They kill it with harpoon.



  • Etnográfica:
    Highly endangered species of sea turtle that mostly eats grass. Ramas still kill by striking them with harpoons, while Miskitu use nets.
    Preferred turtle meat hunted both for their own consumption and to sell in town (more Puerto Cabezas than Bluefields). The old tradition is to share it out according to certain conventions. They eat the turtle eggs when they find them, but green turtles tend to lay more to the south, from Colorado Bar down to Tortuguero in Costa Rica.
    Cane Creek people are known as more adept at hunting and striking them because they are sea people, more than the lagoon Rama Cay people. Ramas used to go down to Turtle Bogue (Tortuguero) in Costa Rica to catch them.